
France Quiqueré

Working on video games since 2002

UI-UX Game Designer

We’ve Got More

My name is France Quiqueré (yes, like the country!) and I’m currently associate UI director at Sumo Leamington. I joined Sumo Digital in September 2019 and enjoying since then my life in Midlands (UK) with my cat and my tomato plants.

Way before, in 2008 and 2015, I created two mobile game companies. We worked with clients like Samsung (on the first Galaxy Phone, Bada OS, Tizen), Ubisoft (on Nintendo Switch), Nickelodeon (augmented reality games on mobile). Five years ago, I also joined briefly Supercell (Helsinki) on the Hay Day team.

I’m developing video games since 2002 on various devices but initially on Pocket PC, Symbian Phones, alternative handheld consoles (GP2X, DigiBLAST) & Linux PDA (Sharp Zaurus, Yoppi). In 2008, I organically went to iOS & Android, and since then… a bit all the platfoms including Nintendo Switch (Sports Party – Ubisoft),  PC Steam & XBox (Stampede Racing Royale – Sumo Digital). In this last project, I was responsible of a team of 6 UI artists and leading the UI direction.

My main skills are around UI (Mockups, implementation) and UX (Wireframes). So really in-between art and design, with a bit of technical mindset to put all the pieces together inside a game engine.

UX Wireframes & flows

Can be done with Figma, Miro or any other tools, really. What I love, it’s quickly prototyping UX flows to test some features and navigation concepts. In collaboration with designers, project managers and producers, or in total autonomy. With a team of UX designers or alone. Let’s help the player finding his way and enjoying his journey trough the menus!

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UI Mockups

After a first pre-production phase studying competitors and defining the very base of the UI art direction, I just really enjoy creating static or animated mockups and iterating until finding the right fit for the project! I’m also used to work as a team on the same project and can help other UI designers expressing their creativity within the project constraints.

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UI Implementation

During my career, I always tried the best I can to simplify the work of the UI programmers. I can help implementing assets, layouts, animations in game engine like Unity or Unreal Engine with a responsive layout. I can also learn to work with your in-house game engine. I’m fluent with web languages. I’m also very passionate about localization and know how to deal with asian ideograms and characters.

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